Selfpost | Postself

To do:
After years of resistance, I will ‘out’ myself to Facebook.
I will no longer lurk.
I will be a friend.
I will work through my resistance.
I will not hide anymore.
I will observe myself in the chaos.
I will expose myself to the network of all networks.
I will allow social networks to collide.
I will witness the past, present, and future in one space.
I will respond to the now, recognize the past, and proceed to the future.
I will set limits and filters to maintain mental balance.

To research myself as subject with/in network.
To be both subjective and objective in the process of emergence.
To understand myself in relation to social networks/groups.
To observe any impact on my sense of purpose.
To see how it makes me think and feel differently.
To examine a networked self as both a node and a system.

April 4, 2010
Heidi May

  1. That’s funny. As for myself, after being exposed to your class, I have gone into the shadows and I now lurk.

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